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Babri & Her Family

Success Story

Muslim Aid Pakistan's pledge for educational

The 2022 flood affected Misri Makrani village, Sanghar in all sectors (shelter, food, water etc.). especially livelihood and WASH 100% of standing crops and infrastructure facilities were washed away and the livelihood of the villagers was badly affected, Almost all the houses were badly damaged and people lost their livelihood assets, household utensils and appliances. An emergency was declared in the district Sanghar and was also put in the list of calamities hit area by the government of Sindh.

It was significant to provide immediate humanitarian assistance to the people hit by devastating disaster timely. In the aftermath of the floods, Babri and her family were in urgent needs of basic necessities such as food, clean water, andshelter. Without their Livestock, they have lost a vital sourceof food and income. As they work to rebuild their lives, theyrequire assistance in the form of temporary shelter, food rations, and medical care for Babri and her unborn child, Despite the challenges they faced, Babri and her family remained resilient and hopeful for the future. With support from the community and aid organizations, they were determined to overcome the devastation of the floods and rebuild their lives. During Muslim Aid Pakistan’s flood emergency response in Mirpurkhas, a door to door households’ assessment was conducted in Village Misri Makrani, UC-Berani, Tehsil Jam Jani, District Sanghar, Sindh. Babri and her family received a kitchen set and hygiene kit as beneficiaries, as they were among the thousands of families vulnerable to the floods 2022. Babri expressed her appreciation for the NFIS, particularly the solar light, which has greatly improved her ability to move around at night during emergencies. She mentioned that they were struggling to meet around 80% of their food needs and cannot afford household utensils and hygiene items.

Muslim Aid Pakistan provided hygiene kit and kitchen set to the family of Babari, which was an achievement in terms of supporting the family’s basic needs and improving their living conditions when they were waiting for support from the Government, INGOs and Philanthropists. The hygiene kit and kitchen set enabled her and her family to maintain personal hygiene, prepare food in a clean, and safe manner. This assistance may have also helped the family to cope up with any challenges they were facing and improve their overall well-being. Given the impact of the flood on crops and the continued need for basic necessities in flood-affected areas, beneficiaries have requested that ration packs may be provided along with non-food items (NFIs). This is understandable, as food was an immediate need and many families may be struggling to meet their daily food requirements due to the flood’s adverse impact on agriculture and livelihoods. Providing ration packs would help to address their immediate food needs and support the affected communities’ well-being, It may be important to
assess the situation and determine the best course of action to provide timely and appropriate support to the Communities and people affected by flood 2022 to receive assistance appropriate and relevant to their needs

At the grassroots level, the MA CBM model offers compre ens.ve support to upgrade the facilities in schools, focusing on aspects such as increasing enrollment. capacity-building of teachers, reviving parent-teacher associations (PTAs), upgrading WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) facilities. establishing Early Childhood Education classroorns. and providing necessary resourtNs  like computers, furniture. and school kits. These interventions have brought about changes in the lives of students. their families. and even their siblings. As a result. the targeted have now improved remarkably in terms Of infrastructure and resources as compared to government primary schools.

She is thankful to Muslim Aid Pakistan and UMCOR for the provision of NFIs which helped her to overcome challenges they faced due to the 2022. The support of Muslim Aid Pakistan through hygiene kit and kitchen set enabled her and her family to maintain personal hygiene and prepare food in a hygienic, clean. and safe manner,

Our Success Stories

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Mr. Rahmat Khan

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winterization and hygiene kits